
DayTimeGroupOpen or ClosedRoom
Sunday9:30 amAA - Never on a Sunday ClosedCommons
Sunday7:00 pmAA - Comeback GroupClosedRoom #2
Sunday7:00 pmSAA - Sex Addicts AnonymousClosedCommons
Monday7:00 pm4th/5th step, Spanish speaking, all addictions welcomeOpenRoom#1
Monday8:00 pmAA - Big Book OpenCommons
Tuesday9:30 amAA - Living SoberOpenCommons
TuesdayNoonAA/Al-Anon combined
Serenity Now 2
Tuesday5:45 pmSAA - Sex Addicts AnonymousClosedCommons
Tuesday7:00 pm4th/5th step, Spanish speaking, all addictions welcomeOpenRoom # 1
Wednesday9:30 amAA - Spiritual Awakening 1ClosedCommons
Wednesday7:00 pm4th/5th step, Spanish speaking; all addictions welcomeOpenRoom # 1
Wednesday7:00 pmOvereaters Anonymous OpenRoom #2
Wednesday8:00 pmAA - Acceptance is the AnswerClosedCommons
Thursday9:30 amAA - Walk With Us ClosedCommons
ThursdayNoonAA/Al Anon combined - Serenity 2OpenCommons
Thursday7:00 pm4th/5th step, Spanish speaking; all addictions welcomeOpenRoom # 1
Thursday7:00 pmAA - Women in the Present ClosedCommons
Friday9:30 amAA - Plain Language Big Book OpenCommons
Friday6:30 pmYoung People's Big Book MeetingOpenCommons
Friday7:00 pm4th/5th Step, Spanish speaking; all addictions welcomeOpenRoom # 1
Saturday8:00 amAA - There is a SolutionClosedCommons
Saturday8:00 pmAA - Keep it Simple (Candlelight)OpenCommons
Contact for Spanish Language assistanceElias920-621-6424
The Bridge contactLeave message920-465-6878